Panic alarm for hospitals

Protect your doctors & nurses from workplace violence.

Workers in the healthcare setting are particularly vulnerable to workplace violence. Unfortunately, the number of attacks and threats of violence against doctors and nurses is on the rise. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare workers are five times more likely to be injured by workplace violence than other workers. Another survey by the Massachusetts Nurse’s Association revealed that 75% of nurses said they have feared or anticipated violent or abusive events in the past two years. Workplace violence is a serious threat to the physical and mental health of your staff. When your people feel vulnerable at work, it’s bad for them, your patients, and your bottom line.

Your staff deserves to feel safe.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, safety & security is a core need for all human beings. Unfortunately, people working in the healthcare setting often find themselves in situations where they fear for their personal safety. When people fear for their safety it has a negative impact on their performance and job satisfaction.

More errors will be made

When the area of your brain that processes fearful and threatening stimuli (amygdala) is triggered, the area of your brain that controls reasoning and judgment (cerebral cortex) becomes impaired, making it difficult to think clearly and make good decisions.

High employee turnover

A study done by Inquiries Journal states that the fear of workplace violence induces workers to become dissatisfied with the hospital and to consider quitting their jobs or changing career paths.

Lower quality of patient care

Fear causes stress, stress leads to unhappy employees, and unhappy employees are less engaged. Lack of engagement leads to lower patient satisfaction and experience scores.

Increased absenteeism

Workplace stress has an adverse effect on workers' physical and mental health. People who are stressed at work are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors which leads to increased absenteeism.

Difficulty hiring people

Prospective employees will choose institutions that have better safety records and have technology in place to help protect their staff.

Your reputation will suffer

People talk. If fear levels are high at your facility, word will spread, which isn't good for your reputation.

Types of workplace violence.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that all employers think about workplace violence as an occupational health and safety issue. NIOSH developed a classification system to help employers better understand the source and scope of workplace violence.  Understanding the different types of workplace violence is crucial to developing your workplace violence prevention plan. For healthcare workers, the primary reason they feel unsafe is the omnipresent threat of being attacked by a patient or a patient’s family member (type II workplace violence)

Type I

Criminal intent

Type I violence usually occurs as a result of another crime such as robbery or trespassing.  Typically, the perpetrator has no relationship to the business or its employees.

Type II


Type II violence occurs when a person that has a relationship with the business becomes agitated or violent while being served.  An example of this would be violence directed towards a caregiver while treating a patient. 

Type III


The perpetrator is an employee or past employee of the business who attacks or threatens employee(s) in the workplace.

Type IV

Personal relationship

The perpetrator doesn’t have a relationship with the business but has a personal relationship with a member of your staff. For example, victims of domestic violence who are attacked at work. 

Preventing workplace violence for healthcare workers.

According to the OSHA, the best way to prevent workplace violence is by training your staff and equipping them with a means of emergency communication. Your staff should be trained to recognize and manage hostile and assaultive behaviors from patients and family members. OSHA recommends that healthcare institutions focus their efforts on training their employees and implementing technology for emergency communication. We need to shift the emphasis from reacting to incidents to preventing incidents.

Hospital staff training

Healthcare panic button

Our technology stops workplace violence in its tracks.

Discrete requests for assistance and rapid response from your support staff is the key to preventing workplace violence. Your staff will have peace of mind knowing that they’ll always have a lifeline with them. Regardless of how your building is built or if there is medical equipment operating nearby, their panic button will work. That’s because the Pinpoint Staff Duress System is purpose-built for healthcare settings.  


Healthcare facilities create unique challenges due to their size, multiple floors, elevator shafts, and the abundance of equipment, all of which wreak havoc on wireless signals. To ensure your system will be reliable, the Pinpoint Staff Duress System is designed to life safety standards.

Fast response

Our system identifies the exact location and type of call in less than 85 milliseconds. Your response team will never be dispatched to the wrong location or lose valuable time trying to locate the person who needs help.


Doctors and nurses love our ID badge holder panic button because it's easy to use without being noticed. There's no fumbling around with a cellphone or maneuvering to access a panic button. This is important because a potentially violent person may get agitated if they see you calling for help.

Union friendly

Your staff wants the protection of having a personal alarm. However, they don’t want to be tracked as they move about your facility. With Pinpoint, their location is never tracked, it only becomes known after they activate their panic button.


Our panic buttons come in multiple form factors, all of which are wearable devices. That means your staff will always have their device with them as they move about your facility.

Ligature resistant

Pinpoint is often deployed in areas with high-risk patients. As such, all of our components are designed to be ligature resistant.

Unlike the previous system, we’ve never had a single instance when it hasn’t raised the alarm. Our staff finally feel safe – they know that their panic button will summon help immediately every time.

Rachel Blackburn

Head of Care Homes, Millennium Care

Healthcare safety technology.

Creating safer environments for healthcare workers and patients.