Why Security Officers
love Pinpoint

Don't panic, de-escalate.

Workplace violence poses a significant threat to healthcare workers, particularly nurses. As security officers, you have a crucial responsibility in maintaining safety within healthcare facilities. Hospitals, with their unique environment, often experience type 2 violence, where the aggressor is likely a patient or visitor. In this context, having an effective way to de-escalate situations before they turn into a physical attack is essential for creating a safer healthcare environment.

In healthcare settings, false alarms can create unnecessary panic and divert attention from critical situations. By implementing de-escalation buttons, security officers can ensure that only major alerts reach their attention. These buttons serve as a targeted intervention tool, allowing officers to swiftly assess and respond to genuine threats while minimizing unnecessary disruptions.


Enhanced safety

Security officers play a critical role in maintaining a safe environment for staff, patients, and visitors. De-escalation buttons empower them to actively manage confrontations and reduce risks.

Reduced legal and financial burden

Workplace violence incidents can lead to costly legal battles, medical expenses, and compensation claims. Proactively using de-escalation tools helps mitigate these long-term financial burdens.

Collaboration with healthcare staff

Security officers work closely with healthcare professionals. De-escalation buttons foster collaboration, allowing officers to support staff during critical moments.

Preventive measures

The tool enables preventive action by empowering security officers to recognize early warning signs and take appropriate steps.

Improved staff morale

When healthcare workers feel protected and supported, their morale improves.

Efficient emergency response

Having a dedicated tool streamlines emergency response procedures.


Enhanced Safety

Security officers play a critical role in maintaining a safe environment for staff, patients, and visitors. De-escalation buttons empower them to actively manage confrontations and reduce risks.

Reduced Legal and Financial Burden

Workplace violence incidents can lead to costly legal battles, medical expenses, and compensation claims. Proactively using de-escalation tools helps mitigate these long-term financial burdens.

Collaboration with Healthcare Staff

Security officers work closely with healthcare professionals. De-escalation buttons foster collaboration, allowing officers to support staff during critical moments.

Improved Staff Morale

When healthcare workers feel protected and supported, their morale improves.

Efficient Emergency Response

Having a dedicated tool streamlines emergency response procedures.

Preventive Measures

The tool enables preventive action by empowering security officers to recognize early warning signs and take appropriate steps.

FAQs by Security Officers.

How long after the button is pushed will we be alerted?

Instantaneous alert occurs on our hardware.

What does your system do to eliminate false alarms?

We have a de-escalation button which is used for local response so non emergencies can stay on the unit instead of going to security.

When dispatching to locations how accurate is your system?

We are very accurate because we do not rely on Wi-Fi or bluetooth.

Are there any circumstances where building equipment stops the system from working?

No, it is not prone to interference.

Can it notify the police station?

Yes, it can be configured to notify your police station.

Can it integrate with other technology?

Yes, using dry contacts and relays.

How does it notify security personal who roam about the facility?

We have an application called Mobile Alert which sends alerts to wireless devices, like cell phones.

Can it be zoned so that certain security teams get certain alerts?

Yes, the system is customizable, so whoever you want can be alerted.

Is it built to life safety standards?

Yes, it is ligature-resistant and can be built in all healthcare facilities.